your health condition or concern for a family member or someone close to you has brought you to our facility.
In order to make your stay in our hospital as easy as possible for you and your loved ones, we have prepared some general information for you.
At GH Novo mesto we are constantly striving to provide quality services with each individual in mind.
We are aware of our important mission and responsibility. We treat you and your kith and kin with great respect, as a partner, but also as a person with health problems who expects us to help them in a professional and humane way.
With world-class doctors, nurses and other medical and non-medical staff, we care for you and your loved ones as if you were our own family, our parents, our children, our friends.
On behalf of the entire staff and management of GH Novo mesto, we welcome you.
Management of GH Novo mesto
A patient- and family-friendly facility
GH Novo mesto is a family-friendly facility that cares for people and their families from birth to death.
We take great care to make one of the most beautiful events in life - the birth of a child - a pleasant experience. The maternity unit has a superior suite for mothers and their families and a room for alternative births.
In the paediatric unit, we allow a healthy parent/carer to stay with their child 24 hours a day.
Providing information
Information about a relative’s health can only be given to those people named by the patient on the information disclosure form.
Questions about the patient’s medical condition will be answered by the doctors in charge.
For information about the patient’s well-being, relatives can contact the ward staff.
Visiting hours vary according to the epidemiological situation, so the latest information is available on the hospital’s website: aktualno/obvestiloobiskovalcem-sb-nm or by calling 07 39 16 100 (Informator GH Novo mesto).
When you visit our facility, you will find the Štorklja Bar at the main entrance of the hospital, located in the lobby of the main entrance in building 1 (entrance 1.1). It serves hot and cold drinks and beverages, sandwiches, croissants, doughnuts, ice cream and more.